Increasing access to existing health technologies is key to improving global health but there is also a need for new and improved prevention methods, diagnostic tests, and treatments.

The PDP Funders Group (PFG) was set up by a number of public and private organizations providing financial support to one or more of the  developing health technologies for preventing, diagnosing or treating diseases of poverty.  

The PDP Funders Group (PFG) is an informal network of public and private organizations providing financial support to one or more product development partnerships (PDPs) developing new health technologies.  The PFG:

  • Facilitates exchange and provides critical information related to PDP funding

  • Identifies and facilitates ways for funders to work together

  • Encourages PDPs to work together around common issues

  • Facilitates peer support for funding, commissioning, managing and evaluating PDPs

  • When appropriate, compiles reports on issues of interest to PFG members


The PFG would like to thank Irish Aid, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands, KfW, Wellcome, and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their financial and in-kind support.   The PFG would also like to thank the Britain-Nepal Medical Trust (BNMT) for providing organisational support.